Tuition and Fees:

1.      The cost to register for classes is $50.00 and must be paid before or at the time of registration.

2.      The current cost to attend for on-campus students is $3,000.00 per semester and off-campus students $1,300.00 per semester (subject to change). Students may apply for work scholarships but will only be accepted if there is money in the scholarship fund at the time of application. Students not receiving work scholarships must find other means by which to pay for their education.

3.      Students are required to pay various fees throughout the year such as textbooks, equipment, and Internet fees, etc. these approximate $290.00 each semester.

Note: The cost of books is not included in the scholarship money and will vary depending on the classes taken.

4.      A student is not allowed to drop a class half way into the semester; however, if a student withdraws from school before the semester is over, the balance of the class must still be paid.

Please Note

No student will be allowed to enter the next semester until he or she has paid all outstanding fees. Also, a grade report will not be given if fees are outstanding.

All fees are in EC$ and or subject to change.

**For more information on tuition, please see the student handbook.

**Students applying for the Work Scholarship Program must fill out a work scholarship application and be placed into a specific job by the administration.

**More information about the Work Scholarship Program can be found in the student handbook.